Sunday, January 17, 2010


Oh I have become one of those slacking bloggers - disappearing for months at a time.

Everything is fine, I'm 13.5 weeks now (will be 14 weeks on wednesday). We've had a few great ultrasounds and the babies are growing right on track, very busy, and looking very healthy so far.

I have been miserable, thus my excuse for not keeping up. It seems worse than last time - although maybe that's my bad memory. Or maybe being a few years older makes it harder, and probably the fact that I am not able to get in a 3 hour nap every day like I last time makes a difference too. The last few months have been filled with nausea, gas, bloating, nausea, headaches, lightheadedness, very severe insomnia, exhaustion, bad taste in my mouth and more nausea. I got a cold at thanksgiving that lasted for weeks and weeks and weeks, I think my body didn't have the strength to fight it very well. I've been managing to do the bare minimum to keep the family fed and clothed and stay employed. Beyond that, nothing has been accomplished, my house is disorganized and my to-do list is a mile long. Thank goodness for my amazing husband who has been doing everything he can around here, and taking care of the kids all weekend while I lay on the couch and moan.

But, I am finally starting to come out of the fog. I'm still not quite feeling that great second trimester energy you sometimes hear about, but I am feeling human again.

I will try to be back soon and write more of an update. But I at least wanted to send out word that I am still alive and doing ok.

Oh, and I deleted my twitter account. I kept seeing people add me, but I never update it any more.


cat said...

Welcome back! I don't know if you had that second trimester feel good thing first time around but I never had with the twins and my gynea said you do not often get it with twins. Good luck girl.

SleepyMom said...

I too found the second pregnancy tons harder than the first. I didn't get any relief from the overwhelming exhaustion and stomach troubles until about week 20. I hope your relief comes quicker.

Jaimie said...

good to hear it is starting to get better!

Heather said...

I will say you are probably doing great! I thought being pregnant with twins was the worst for nausea, tiredness and general "I feel like crap!" Much more than my singleton pregnancy was. And you are trying to keep up with twins already! That is a feat in itself without being pregnant to boot. And you got sick, ugh! Nothing is worse than being sick and pg.

Hang in there. The To Do list will always be long and you'll eventually start bouncing back, but now is the time to rest as much as possible. You won't be able to later. Not that you can now, with little ones, but try.

Anonymous said...

Thinaking of you and sending hugs! You will feel better soon.....

Anonymous said...

Your blog is amazing! I'm so happy for you! I was diagnosed with PCOS long time ago. My only chance to become a mother was ed ivf. I had doubts, many thoughts never left my mind! The greatest fear was that I will not be able to love child, which is not genetically related to me. It's much easier for man to accept this procedure, because a baby will be from him. As it was my only way out, I decided we should try. It was a difficult, but the result changed our lives! I wanted a baby who I will carry and give birth by myself. I wanted to be with him from the moment of his birth, from his first breath. Of course, I wanted baby to look like us. But as soon as the doctor made an embryo transfer, the only thing I was thinking about was pregnancy to be successful and my baby to be born healthy! Now, when I remember how I suffered and couldn't bear the thought that I have to resort to donor eggs, I cannot help laughing. My child is at home right now and every time I look at him, I see that every day he more and more looks like me. I raise healthy and, of course, the most beautiful baby in the world! I underwent de ivf in Ukrainian biotexcom. We asked our doctor to find egg donor, who will have same features as I have. We sent information about the desirable characteristics of the donor to the clinic. We indicated height, weight, hair color, eyes color, nose, face and lips shape. Generally saying, all features we needed. Then the clinic found three donors corresponding to our phenotypes and sent us info about them. And then we chose the one, who suited us the most. Speaking about egg donors and their health. All requirements to donors were specified in the package we've chosen. First requirement is age of donor. All their donors are 18 – 25 years old. Second requirement is perfect physical and mental health. And third requirement is absence of genetic diseases in the donor and her family. So we were absolutely sure in health of our donor. Now I have absolutely no feeling that my son is not mine genetically! No one can ever tell he is from donor egg. We decided not to tell our parents the whole truth. For them we had ivf with my eggs and my husband's sperm. Girls, I wish all of you all the best!