This is what the babies look like right now - how they are positioned in my belly. Like Yin and Yang - but slightly tilted.
Yin - the dark part - is Baby B. Pleasantly settled with her head down and her feet up towards my stomach, draped over Baby A's head. She swims around a lot - almost constantly, but rarely kicks me very hard. She's the gentle one.
Yang - the light part - is Baby A (because she is lower). Also seems to be quite happily settled, but with her head up and her legs and feet down at the bottom. She's the kicker. She kicked me this morning down there, and it did not feel good. J and the doctor were both fascinated with the idea of getting kneed in the groin from the inside. Yes. Chuckle all you want boys. Not fun.
The problem is that Yang needs to turn his/her little self over, so mommy doesn't have to have a c-section! The doc said that I have maybe a few more weeks for this baby to turn, but after that the chances are unlikely, and so we will have to start talking about scheduling a c-section. Ah well, this pregnancy is going so smoothly, that I guess if this ends up being my biggest problem, I'm probably getting off easy.
Other than that - our 29 week appointment today was great. Everything still looks just perfect. My belly (fundal height) is measuring at 36cm - or the equivalent of a 36 week singleton pregnancy. And other than the head cold I dealt with over the past week, I'm still feeling pretty darn good, for being 7 months pregnant with twins. And the doc did say that it was perfectly fine to take some cold meds (decongestant / antishistamine) if I wanted to.
I think I know what their names are. That is, assuming my gut is right and they are girls. These are two girl names that have been on our (somewhat) short list for a while, and the other day they really just jumped out at me. I even have a feeling about which baby should get which name. It was almost like the babies have told me what their names are. Now I have to convince J that these are the right girl names. He likes these names, but isn't ready to lock down on choices just yet, he wants to explore more options.
And I guess I do still need to figure out some boy names just in case. We have some that we like. Just none that reach out and grab me.
How fun to brainstorm on names! We have the opposite problem. We are very sure about boy names, but need to name a little girl! Help! :-)
They sound like two little peas in a pod, and no, getting kneed in the groin from the inside can not be pleasant, even if we don't have the ahem... equipment they do. So glad you've found the right girl names! I wish you's help me, I'm struggling for girl names but have plenty of boy ones I like. Maybe the baby will tell me too, I hope :-)
i love how it seems like you're getting to know them, so very exciting!!
So sorry about the internal groin kicking. That is so not funny!!!
Have fun picking out names. That's one of the best parts of having a baby.
woman, u are doing great!! i'm so glad we are almost to 30!! what a HUGE milestone!!
Awww, yin and yang. It must be so fun to be able to picture what they're both doing in there! Judging from the random kicks and pokes on all sides of my belly at once, I sometimes feel like I'm having a whole litter of babies instead of only one, so I can only imaging how crazy it must feel to have two going at once in there!
I can't wait to see if your intuition is right and you have two girls...
I'm so happy for you that everything is going so well. I hope your gut is right. Even though I was really wanting a boy, I had long decided exactly what I would name a girl. I wasn't sure at all for a boy. There is so much responsibility in picking a name for someone!
I get some good smacks that almost knock the wind out of me. I will suck in my breath or say ouch and my husband is all but freaking out! It is kind of funny. It must be something to have two of them bouncing around in there!
Oh my gosh how exciting. I've always wanted two girls - I think its because I grew up with all sisters. I'm so glad everything is going so perfectly. Hope that 2nd baby cooperates with mommy and turns soon.
It's amazing how much difference you can tell between them already! Great update!
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