Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A first for everything... 33 weeks 5 days

We had our first NST today. It was very cool. I had one small contraction during the whole time we were there. Frankly I was hoping to have some because I really wanted to see what it looked like on the monitor. The babies behaved very well - both heartbeats were great, pretty close to each other. It was cool to see how their heartbeats increased when they were moving around.

After the monitoring, we met with the doc. As soon as he came in he said "well, we continue to be amazed at how great you're doing". As usual, BP was good, cervix was nice and tight. I've gained 5 pounds in one week, which he was a little suprised at. But I have no bloating or swelling - so it must just be all the ice cream.

This weekend for the very first time, someone asked me if the twins were from fertiilty. In the middle of a pool party, in front of at least 15 other people. I was being introduced to all these people at once, so everyone was listening, and one man blurts out "are they natural or fertility?". jeez. talk about being put on the spot. I said "we had a little help". I wish I would have thought on my feet a little faster. What I would have liked to have said was "that's a very personal question". but I didn't. People can be so rude sometimes. I'm not ashamed of what we had to do to get these babies, but I also don't think it's very polite for people to ask such personal questions.


Anonymous said...

I am glad the appointment went well and you and the kids are doing great!

I don't know how I would answer that question. I think it would depend on who was asking. But it is rude to ask that in a crowd of people.

JW said...

Geez, some people. What business is it of theirs? Anyway, you're right, we should be proud of the way we fought for our babies, we know just how much we wanted them.

So glad everything went well at the appt!!

Anonymous said...

I've been asked numerous times if we used fertility drugs and have lied. It's nobody's business, after all. What I really want to reply is with "So how were your kids conceived? Were you in the bedroom? In what position?" That ought to give them a sense of how personal a question they are asking.

queen said...

i love tinker's comment!

seattlegal said...

I'm glad things are continuing to go well!

And it is an extremely personal question - I don't mind answering but I'd rather bring up the topic myself than being put on the spot like that.

Suzanne said...

oooooh that makes me soooo mad too! i got that ALLLLL the time and i would get so pissed! especially b/c the fact that i had quads on the lowest FIRST time dose of clomid just doesn't happen! like taking fertility measures diminishes the authenticity of your pregnancy somehow! man...a huge pet peeve of mine. and i agree with tinker!

Sarah said...

what the hell are people thinking? what an ass.