Monday, June 09, 2008


six: being away.  I had my first trip away from the babies last week.  A business trip.  I left tuesday night, returned friday mid-day.  I shed some tears on the way out the door tuesday night, leaving was hard.  Really hard.  But once I was gone, I was fine.  I was busy with work, so didn't have too much time to feel separation anxiety.  I looked at pics of them often, and Jim did a great job of posting new pics for me to see.  And it turned out to be a great opportunity for him to have some time with the babies.  I had offered to schedule friends to come over and help him, but he didn't want me to.  He wanted to do it by himself.  I had the nanny help as much as possible - had her make up all the bottles and prep their dinner, so he didn't have to figure out those details.  And it all went fine.  He wanted to prove that he could handle it, and I guess he also wanted to prove to me that they would be just fine for a few days without me. 
Also thursday was our 9 year wedding anniversary and he sent me a lovely bouquet of flowers to my hotel room.  such a sweet man.
But pumping while traveling is a major PITA.  I hope to not have to do that again - trying to avoid travel.
I was worried that they would like their bottles better, that they wouldn't want nurse when I got back.  But we got right back in the swing of things no problem. 

1 comment:

Bea said...

Seems like things are going generally well, although cutting back at work will be nice. And perhaps keeping a lid on the trips, too.
