Tuesday, December 16, 2008

twittering times two isn't working

Many of you know that I have two blogs - two personas. On this blog I talk about more personal things, my IF, my more private thougths. And on my other blog I post photos of my babies and happy milestones for friends and family.

I had tried to also have a separate Twitter account for each of those personas. But it just wasn't working - I can hardly manage to twitter on a single account, doing it twice was silly.

So - I will no longer be using my 'Whatifthis' Twitter account - only my other one. I've already added a few of you. But if you want to continue following my twitters (and I am trying to do it more regularly now), send me an email and I'll tell you the name so you can follow me. Assuming I know who you are, that is.

Good day, an happy twittering.


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